Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Research Projects
South Campus Research Unit for Bone and Soft Tissue
Dr. christina hiscox
Dr. Hiscox has been working at the South Health Campus Bone and Joint Clinic as an orthopaedic surgeon since 2013. Soon after joining the orthopaedic surgery team at the South Health Campus Dr. Hiscox started contributing to research with SCRUBS team. Dr.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, FRCS(C)
Adult Hand and Wrist Surgeon, Orthopaedic Trauma Suregon
Clinical Lecturer, University of Calgary

Hiscox also holds many academic appointments with the University of Calgary, including the Educational Lead for Hand & Wrist, Section of Orthopaedic Surgery and Continuing Medical Education Director. Dr. Hiscox’s interests involve research questions surrounding hand and wrist surgery and treatment options.
When not working, you can find Dr. Hiscox with her family and taking care of her two precious dogs, Stan and Dusty. She is also well known for having a big sweet tooth and always has the best candy stash on hand.
Initially, Dr. Hiscox began her post-secondary education obtaining a Bachelor of Business Management from Ryerson Polytechnic University in 1994. She then continued her education at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, completing a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education. Dr. Hiscox completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of Manitoba in 2006 and then moved to Calgary to complete her Orthopsedic surgery residency at the U of C in 2011. This talented surgeon then went on to complete two fellowship placements. Her first fellowship she completed in 2012 at the Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University in upper extremity and microvascular surgery. She completed her second fellowship at the Sunnybrook Hospital, University of Toronto a year later before moving back to Calgary to start her career at the South Health Campus.
research interests
Dr. Hiscox is most interested in hand and wrist research and education.
Dr. Hiscox is currently a co-investigator in several of our research projects, including the C3PO Trial: Canadian Prospective Pragmatic Perilunate Outcomes and the Randomized comparison of PARtial wrist fusion with or without Triquetral Excision (PARTE) Trial. Dr. Hiscox has also taken on the role of Principal Investigator for an upcoming trial investigating the correlation between angulation measured on x-rays compared to CT images for fifth metacarpal fractures, as well as the effect angulation has on clinical outcomes.
Tucker A, Hiscox C, Saad A, Bicknell R. Analysis of the Clinical Outcome of Arthrographic Steroid Injection for the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis. Open Orthop J. 2017;11:804‐809. Published 2017 Aug 25. doi:10.2174/1874325001711010804
Hiscox C, LaMothe J, White N, Bromley M, Paolucci EO, Hildebrand K. Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fractures: a randomized, controlled trial comparing bone scans to radiographs for diagnosis. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014;16(4):296-303. doi:10.2310/8000.2013.131074
Hiscox, C.M., Bohm, E.R., Turgeon, T.R., Hedden, D.R., Burnell, C.D. Randomized Trial of Computer-Assisted Knee Arthroplasty: Impact on Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes. Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 26, Issue 8, December 2011
stan and dusty cameo